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Writer's picture: Shivraj MorzariaShivraj Morzaria

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

(Cards + Destroy)



Cardestroy is a concept by Shivraj Morzaria. The idea behind it is to find a use for the ‘Poop Decks’ (old decks). It is named “Cardestroy” because here ‘Cards’ are being ‘Destroyed’ to create. The concept was created around late July 2015.

Majority of the moves are based on an arrangement/set-up done on a flat surface, hands or anywhere possible and performing mechanics. Of course this was just the beginning as later the possibilities multiplied by cutting or rolling the cards to create. Although one should not confuse it with "Origami". The flexible definition for Cardestroy would be: It is the art of bending, cutting, rolling, tearing the cards and creating unique motions that otherwise aren't possible but NOT using any sort of glue, tape or other adhesives.

Here are some examples of Cardestroy:


"Nothing specifically inspired it, one fine day I decided to do something weird with cards. So I just bent the cards randomly for fun to start with. After experimenting for a while I discovered that they would follow some unique motions/mechanics or 'chain reactions'. This was something that unlocked a new door for creativity. It's like not dealing with just 'rectangles' anymore. You can see the first ideas I'm referring to below in the first Cardestroy video." explained Shivraj.

Pablo Picasso once said,

"Every act of Creation is first an act of Destruction."

But here I would rather say,

"Every act of Destruction is first an act of Creation"


Posted by Shivraj Morzaria on 17th July 2015, this is the first Cardestroy video ever:

These were some of the first ideas of the concept before it took flight on the internet or was even called "Cardestroy". Yes it's definitely not as impressive but a great look-back to see how much it has evolved throughout the years Although this was the first ever video posted, the first full length cardestroy video was "Cardestroy (Cards + Destroy)".


Cardestroy was featured on countless art featuring pages on Instagram and some famous pages holding an audience of at least 4 Million. This was just the beginning as later Cardestroy got featured on well known platforms like Business Insider. Insider made a documentary on Shivraj in late 2016 where the video today reaches an amazing 9.2 Mil Views and 100k shares!

Cardestroy was then also featured on notable platforms like TheHook, RadioOneLebnon and on news channels such as EBC Taiwan, etc.


Hosted by Shivraj Morzaria and sponsored by Art of Play this was the first Cardestroy Contest to take place. The rules were to come up with original cardestroy idea(s) and post a video showcasing them. It was judged upon the creativity and overall feel of the video. Although this was the first contest we managed to get some amazing entries!

Here below are some highlights of the Contest:

The winner of the Cardestroy Contest 2015 was Kevin Ho, here’s his mind-blowing entry:


This contest was hosted by Shivraj Morzaria and sponsored by none other than Art of Play. The rules were to come up with original cardestroy idea(s) and post a video showcasing them. It was judged upon the creativity and overall feel of the video. This time we selected our favorite Top 9 entries who were then voted by you guys to select our Top 3 Winners. The entries got crazier this year!

Here below are some highlights of the Contest:

The Winners of the Cardestroy Contest 2016 were:

Here's the first place winning entry of the Cardestroy Contest 2016 by Lars Mayrand:


Graveyard aka the Cardestroy table is hosted by Shivraj Morzaria. It has been a part of the Cardistry-Con since 2016. It's a booth at the Con where the attendees can contribute their poop deck(s) to the art of Cardestroy. Anybody is welcome to join the fun and destroy to create. It aims to help cardists to create/perform cardestroy without any hesitation of destroying their cards.


The concept “Cardestroy” made a huge impact on the Cardistry community. Being the creator of it, Shivraj won the title “Breakout Cardist of the Year 2016” at the Cardistry-Con Awards Berlin, Germany.


On the 4th May 2016, Kevin Ho and a bunch of cardist friends surprised Shivraj on his 18th birthday by making this Cardestroy tribute video. Most of them managed to come up with amazing ideas and others well… cough cough.

"This is the best gift I have ever received!" stated Shivraj.


Well known Magician/YouTuber Chris Ramsay reacts to Cardestroy!


Creating a cardestroy move is a really different experience. As you keep on experimenting, the fun also increases proportionally because there is no more limiting yourself while creating. It's also not something difficult to do but isn't something easy to visualize. So I'd suggest to just make any kind of folds/cuts/etc. and start from anywhere. I've discovered some concepts in Cardestroy that could only be found through trial and error, failures or sometimes even doing something totally random. Some of my moves were actually a clear accident that were then polished and developed into an actual sequence.

Creating and experimenting along with some failures is all you need!


Folding the cards is an important factor here. It is not something to be overlooked, as everything depends upon it. You can fold the cards in simplest ways: Horizontally, Vertically, Diagonally or any other possible way. Always remember, the folds are the skeleton for your move: The better the folds the better the results.

Here's a tutorial on "Sponge-Pop" by Shivraj which just uses folded cards:


"According to my opinion, cutting a card should be to such a limit that we can still call it 'a card'." suggested Shivraj. But of course here there’s no more limiting yourself. Here cuts you make would be as important as the folds.

Here's a tutorial on "Pie" by Shivraj which uses cutting of cards:


Here are some of our favourite Cardestroy ideas by Cardists around the globe:


Bending the cards just for fun to being one of the biggest concepts in Cardistry. Its just another reminder that nothing is impossible and you can do it too. Just believe in yourself and your ideas and start experimenting! Go create your own Cardestroy and explore new ways to play with cards! Keep Destroying.




Is Cardestroy considered to be a form of Cardistry or is it different?

SHIVRAJ: Cardestroy is definitely a form of Cardistry. It's more like a different genre of Cardistry. Just like music. It has lots of different genres but is still considered to be "Music". And also the fact that "Cardistry" in general has no fixed definition yet, from what we know its: Card + Artistry = Cardistry. Which is also what Cardestroy is about and supports my answer.

What is the difference between Cardestroy and Cardistry? If any?

SHIVRAJ: Cardestroy is more like a sub genre of Cardistry. All I can say is: Cardistry is the tree and Cardestroy is a branch.

Is Cardestroy like Origami?

SHIVRAJ: Nope. Cardestroy is completely different from Origami. Although it consists of folding and cutting the cards, its far from being termed as "Origami". One important factor that differentiates them is: Cardestroy consists of "performing" or creating "movements". Where as origami does not.

Now you might want to think is it "Kirigami"? That is also something people have confused cardestroy to previously. As people have been using Kirigami on playing cards too but it is not valid to be considered a part of Cardestroy.

Kirigami done on Playing Cards by Scott Dyer

Again its due to the missing of the "movements" factor as Kirigami is basically supposed to be visually appealing and Cardestroy is more about creating movements. Thus, Cardestroy is NOT considered to be "Origami" or "Kirigami".

Which are your all time favourite Cardestroy creations, original and unoriginal?

SHIVRAJ: That's a tough one! My all time favourite Cardestroy creations have to be these:

Original Creation: I have to say it is the one I call "Capture", this is how it looks:

Unoriginal Creation: Without doubt it's "Rose" by Andrew Avila, JUST LOOK AT IT:

How does one start doing Cardestroy?

SHIVRAJ: For your answer, refer to the "TIPS TO CREATE" section above. Although something I'd like to add to this is: For me coming up with Cardestroy creations has almost always been through trial and error method. It's not easy to imagine things you could come up with in Cardestroy. As here you're dealing with different dimensions of playing cards. So I suggest you start destroying the cards first even before thinking what it's going to lead to. That way it will be easier to come up with ideas frequently. Lastly to start with it you can check out some of the existing Cardestroy tutorials, click here.

What is the best deck or condition of a deck for Cardestroy?

SHIVRAJ: The best condition of a deck for Cardestroy has to be "poop" (i.e old). As that's where the idea originated from, finding a use for the poop decks. But throughout these years I've noticed that using all different conditions of a deck can help you execute some ideas better. Like a poop condition is great for doing mechanical moves which requires more friction. Whereas a new deck condition can be used for fanning, spreading or faro like moves.

The best deck for cardestroy, my personal favourite has to be "Tally-Ho: Circle Backs". They're affordable, look great and handles well altogether. It is my all time favourite deck for Cardestroy.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Cardestroy?

SHIVRAJ: The advantages and disadvantages of cardestroy according to my experience are as follows:


  • Visual Appearance: One of the biggest advantage of Cardestroy has to be its ability to attract Cardists as well as Laymen due to its cool visual appearance. Yeah clickbait. Which is rare in some forms of cardistry such as minimalism.

  • Multiplied Possibilities: Since you're not dealing within the dimensions of playing cards, the possibilities of creating multiplies with every fold or cut you make.


  • Openers/Closers: One of the most challenging thing for me throughout my journey with cardestroy has been coming up with an 'opener' and a 'closer' for a move. As mentioned earlier, most of the moves I came up with required a prior setup before the actual performance. The setting up part is definitely a little disadvantage for now as it stops cardestroy from being impromptu like Cardistry. It'll be cool to come up with cardestroy moves that had an opener and a closer. From folding/cutting the cards on spot to being able to close it, whole as a performance. One of the great example for an impromptu opener has to be "Spin Cycle" by Spencer Clark:

I definitely look forward to digging into it and developing this part of the concept. That concludes the advantages and disadvantages of Cardestroy.

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Lars Mayrand
Lars Mayrand
May 24, 2020

We need another cardestroy contest


Shivraj Morzaria
Shivraj Morzaria
May 23, 2020

This is a comment

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